Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Corpse's Best Friend

A German Shepard was found next to his owner's body 6 weeks after the man took his own life in
This kind of thing makes me believe that love is real, even if it is about a dog.

I would like to think that my Ranger would stay with me!

Love each other, the world, and yourselves!


Stewart said...

Not only does your Ranger love you, but he knows what you're thinking and doing, too!


On a slightly-related note: my friend's cat is the definition of aloof. The only time he'll even come _near_ someone is right when they enter the room--and even then, he just rubs up against them once and is on his way. But one day I was really tired, so i just lay down on the carpet, sprawled out, face-down. Within like a minute, I felt him jump on my back and start meowing a lot, and then coming up to my face and meowing. He never went away!

Stewart said...

What I'm saying is that perhaps a sequel is in order: Cats Who Know When Their Owners are Dead (Or At Least Think They're Dead)