When I first saw these "Teacup" pigs, I immediately looked everywhere to see where I could get one.
How awesome would it be to have a pocket-sized pig running around your house??
During my research, a terrible truth surfaced: "these are just normal potbellied pigs that have been chronicaly underfed and malnourished in an attempt to keep them small."
These pigs will only live for five years due to health problems.
According to SCAMPP, a pot-bellied pig organization, "At the present time, and to our knowledge, the "teacup" or "micro-mini" pig DOES NOT exist, nor has any one successfully bred a healthy and normal pig this size."
This is so sad and terrible. It is incredible what people will do to have a fashionable pet. This is cruelty to a defenseless animal.
Let's end this by educating people and letting them know what has actually been done to these animals!!!
Love each other, the world, yourselves, and today, PIGS!!!
This is highly untrue. Teacup pigs have not been starved, they are the outcome of selective breeding. Teacup pigs are simply planned genetic variation.
teacup, micro minis, dandies, pixies, whatever you want to call them, are all marketing terms used by breeders to try and set themselves apart. Unfortunately very few of these breeders are producing pigs that actually stay small, and nobody is producing piglets that stay the size of a teacup. For example, the Pennywell Farm where teacups supposedly originated, and Jane Croft of england who has been on TV numerous times touting her micro/teacup pigs are both getting in trouble now for selling pigs who are most certainly not miniature. Several of Jane Croft's pigs are in the news now because they weigh around 140lbs at 2yrs old (they don't reach full size until 3-4yrs fyi). The biggest lie is breeders showing you parents who are immature themselves and claiming the piglet will stay small. None of the breeders producing the "teacup" breed are creating truly small pigs because they are all mutts produced by breeding farm hogs to kunekunes and potbellied pigs. Mutts are not a breed until they produce consistent offspring. This is why Labradoodles are not a breed. Purebred potbellied pigs are some of the smaller pigs, and there are purebred mini potbellieds that stay under 55lbs. However, there are still breeders trying to swindle people by claiming they have minis when they are just breeding average potbellieds (which are "miniature" when compared to a standard farm hog). check out http://www.teacuppig.info/ and http://miniaturepotbelliedpigregistry.com/About_Other_Pig_Breeds.php for more information about teacups and other "miniature" breeds.
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