Tuesday, July 29, 2008

America's Answer to Everything

My last post inspired me to think more about green energy and gas prices and running out of natural resources and the economy . And it depressed me. 

What can be done? The answer can't be simple and it would probably be costly. 

And then, it hit me.

It IS simple. It WILL NOT be costly. 

Harnessing the power of the sun and warming our water, woo, taming the wind to light our homes, cool.

But the REAL untapped power source: US

Think about it, what are the main problems facing our country today? The economy, unemployment, vanishing resources, and obesity. 

Rigging a bicycle or a treadmill to produce energy cannot be that difficult, they figured out how to make sunshine produce electricity for Pete's sake (I would love to know the origin of that specific name being used in that specific phrase)! 

Human power, HP as I will refer to it, would provide a cheap, green, and always available energy source. HP would provide steady employment, people ALWAYS need energy. It would also help trim up America.

Imagine with me if you will: "Hey Bill, you look great!" "Thanks, it's my new job. I get paid to work out and to provide our community with green energy."  Can you imagine a more noble job? 

HP Results
Economy: Solved
Unemployment: Solved
Vanishing Resources: Solved
Obesity: Solved

I'm not serious about this. What I am serious about is the energy crisis and we all need to do our part to solve it. 

Love each other, the world, and yourselves!

...maybe a little serious. 

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