How big are these plans? 5 billion dollars big.
Texan transmission companies are teaming together to create a consortium to invest in the making of wind-energy happen.
This will be the largest investment in green energy ever in the U.S.
But to get this in gear, Texan citizens will be billed an extra 3 to 4 dollars on their monthly energy bill; a small price to pay considering how much they will save once their homes will be powered by the wind.
Why haven't we thought of this before?!?
T. Boone Pickens is a man who made his BILLIONS with oil. Now, he is one the green-conscious can thank.
Pickens plans to build the WORLD'S LARGEST wind farm! How big? 200,000 acres, 2,700 turbines, will supply 1.3 million homes with energy big.
"...when you develop the wind, you can then remove natural gas power generation and put it into a transportation fuel market" said Pickens. "Wind power is clean, it's renewable. It's everything you want. And it's a stable supply of energy. It's unbelievable that we have not done more with wind."
Right on!
I can just imagine the wind activists now...
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